
About Us

two hands willing to Give

Helping Today

Our Goal is to Help Poor People Family

Nova Family Support Foundation is a non-profit located in Elizabeth colorado. We are a start up, and trying to grow in the whole U.S.A. Our goals are to support Struggling Families, and give them a brighter future.

Lawrence Koebernik, Founder
Lawrence started the company in September 2023, and is the current CEO of the company. He spent his career in the military, Correction, and working with troubled youth. He saw many families struggle in this line of work, and has experienced some himself. This is what drove him to create the non-profit organization.

You want to be part of this growing cause?

Email us at


We are Leud charity foundation

Goal: 25 000$   

Start Donating


With each donation, Nova Family Support Foundation (NFSF) can get one step closer at reaching its goals. Every donation that is given goes directly to supporting the organization’s future. No members of the organization management take a paycheck. It all goes to supporting the families and working members.

Goal: 25 000$

Anna Smith


Debbie Kopf


Eey Chie

Community Officer

Anna Smith



Meet those who help others in need.

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Future programs

As we grow

As the non-profit grows, we can start to offer different services to those families that need it. With the initial funding we can start selling clothing at much cheaper rates.
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